Industrial Property Prediagnosis

State Office for Inventions and Trademarks - OSIM
makes available to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - operating in productive economic sectors, or in the field of research – THE SERVICE:

„Intellectual Property Prediagnosis"
aiming to support innovation and capitalize on the creative potential of your business

The prediagnosis program is based on the visit paid by an OSIM specialist to the company concerned and, based on a discussion with the manager, the evaluation of the full potential of Intellectual Property from which it can benefit:

utility models,
licenses and assignments,
documentary search services,
trade secrets

Based on the provided data, the OSIM specialist will prepare a customized confidential PREDIAGNOSIS STUDY, which will include PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE PROFITABLE USE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY for the activity of the company.

If you are interested in this service, please contact us by phone 0040-213060800 - Operational Marketing and Communication Division or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.