Specific duties

By virtue of Art.3 of the Government Decision No 573/1998 on the organization and functioning of the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks

Published in the OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF ROMANIA, PART I, No 476 of 4 June 2020

OSIM duties
  • to register and examine the applications in the industrial property field, to grant protection titles which confer exclusive rights on the territory of Romania to their owners
  • to be the depositary of the national registers for filed applications and of the national registers for granted protection titles for inventions, trademarks, geographical indications, designs, topographies of semiconductor products and utility models;
  • to edit and publish the Official Industrial Property Bulletin of Romania;
  • to edit and publish the patent specifications;
  • to administer and preserve the National Industrial Property Collection, while maintaining and developing the computerized database in its field of activity, by international exchanges included;
  • to carry out, upon request, specialized services in the industrial property field;
  • the online publication, upon request, of articles intended to promote the industrial property field, on the web-page of the organization, free of charge and copyrights;
  • to attest the industrial property attorneys and keep the evidence thereof in the national register whose depositary it is;
  • to provide, upon request, specialized assistance in the industrial property field and to organize training courses, seminars and symposia in the field
  • to ensure harmonization of the national legislative framework with international and European regulations in the industrial property protection field;
  • to initiate, negotiate and participate, under the conditions set out by the law, in conventions, agreements, protocols and other national and international arrangements to be concluded in the industrial property protection field;
  • to participate in and to implement, by means of its specialists, European and regional projects in the field of industrial property, projects funded, wholly or in part, by organizations with which the Office develops cooperation relations;
  • to carry out any other duties in the industrial property field, which derive from the legal provisions in force and from the international agreements to which Romania is a party.